Double Standard

First of all, let me be perfectly clear. Rush Limbaugh is an idiot. I don’t like the guy, I never have, and the fact that he recently made some sexist statements doesn’t enamor me any more to his cause. I’m also not a fan of Sarah Palin, whose name will also appear in this post.

Now, that being said, I just received an email that makes a very good point: what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. I honestly don’t have time to run down every one of these statements, but every one I checked is indeed legit. If you happen to find any that aren’t, please let me know. So without any further ado…

Rush Limbaugh's words have given the… left the opening [it] needed, and they have pounced. Rush has apologized. But the radical left will never accept it because they despise him and want him off the air. To the left, this is simply an opportunity to put their attacks on religious liberty in a feminist frame, and an opportunity to try and shut down Limbaugh and end his career. It is all about censorship and hypocrisy.

“The hypocrisy from liberal leaders and the leftist media is astoundingly shocking, intellectually dishonest, and is utterly insulting on so many levels. Below, we will show you just how all of this is true. Their leftist cronies have said far worse, have not been reprimanded, and offer no apologies. Fair warning, there will be graphic language directly quoted.

[plea for financial support to the organization sending the email]

Just how sensitive are liberals to the plight of women, anyway? Let’s see how they react when one of their own savages women in ways Limbaugh would never dream of doing.

“Last night Robert F. Kennedy Jr., publicly on his Twitter account, called United States Senator James Inhofe a ‘prostitute’ and ‘call girl.’

“MSNBC host Ed Schultz called conservative talk host Laura Ingraham a ‘slut.’ Some of the same sponsors who are now pulling out of Rush’s show still support Ed Schultz’s show

“Bill Maher one year ago called Sarah Palin a ‘dumb twat.’ He followed up days later in a Dallas routine and called Palin a ‘c*nt.’ Last July on HBO, Maher said Palin was ‘a bully who sells patriotism like a pimp, and the leader of a strange family of inbred weirdos.’ Last September, Maher said on his show that Palin would have sex with Rick Perry if he [were] black. He also joked recently that Rick Santorum’s wife, Karen Santorum, uses a vibrator in the bathroom while her husband is in the other room. Did we mention that Barack Obama’s Super PAC accepted $1 million from Bill Maher?

“Bill Maher gloated on his show that critics can’t touch him because ‘I don’t have sponsors.’ It’s not about sponsors. It is about principles, and the liberals are absolute hypocrites to not show the utmost disgust for this type of intolerable language. They are essentially saying it is ok if the woman is a conservative

“Talk show host Mike Malloy hoped Sarah Palin ‘drives herself into madness’ and insisted Michele Bachmann is an ‘evil bitch from Hell’ who would have gladly supervised the Holocaust. Montel Williams rooted for Bachmann to slit her own wrist or throat. Randi Rhodes insisted that teenage boys weren’t safe from Palin’s advances if they stayed over at her house

“A couple of years ago, comedian Louis CK ‘joked’ on the Opie and Anthony radio show about Palin coming to the Republican convention ‘holding a baby that just came out of her f***ing, disgusting c*nt, her f-ing retard-making c*nt. I hate her more than anybody.’

“On Twitter, Louis CK attacked Palin in 2011 as a ‘f***ing jackoff c*nt-face jazzy wondergirl’ who ‘has a family of Chinese poor people living in her c*nt hole.’

“Has Louis CK been chastised by his liberal cronies? No, quite the opposite. He will be headlining The Radio and Television Correspondents Dinner in Washington, DC.

“‘We’re very excited about having Louis CK at the dinner,’ said Jay McMichael of CNN, who chairs the Radio and Television Correspondents Association’s executive committee. ‘This is an evening you’ll want to experience. We’re shaking things up, showcasing the unexpected, and delivering lots of laughs.’

“For too long, liberals have been able to get away with this behavior. That ends now. Conservatives, it is time to stand up to this hypocrisy, and you can help us lead the charge.”

Point is, they’re right. Rush may be a jerk, but holding him any more accountable than these other people is just plain ridiculous. Let’s make sure every one of these people are held accountable for their “humor.” Bad taste is bad taste, regardless of the source.


  1. This whole episode is about censorship. It drives the left crazy the huge audiences for conservative talk radio, while liberal hosts have microscopic ratings. I do not follow Rush, but instead of pressuring advertisers let the people be free to choose if it bothers them. I think the comment was too far but in fairness possibly correct depending on how you define the term. Liberal thought is only bumper sticker deep, so it hard to be interesting on the radio.


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